20kg Adult Raw Recipe, Beef and Chicken Free (for sensitive skin)

20kg Adult Raw Recipe, Beef and Chicken Free (for sensitive skin)



Age: 12 months to 18 months and older

Weight: 20kg

Caloric Intake: 800kcal per day



Bok choy

Quail eggs


Turkey neck

Hempseed oil

Flaxseed meal

Lamb kidney

Lamb liver

Sunflower seed kernels

Nutrition panel included.


The nutritive values of the ingredients included in this recipe are based on data collected from the USDA FoodData Central and calculated according to the NRC nutritional guidelines for a dog of the specified calories. Nutritional values of the listed foods in this recipe may vary from region to region and the information included in the nutrition panel should be used as a guide. Individual dogs of the specified energy expenditure and weight will vary slightly in their caloric needs and the above quantities may need to be adjusted accordingly. This recipe is not designed to diagnose or treat disease. Please seek veterinary advice if you are concerned about the health and condition of your dog.

Note: This recipe was created for Rodney Habib and Dr Karen Becker for their Forever Dog online recipe collection.


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