Frequently Asked Questions


Welcome to jacqueline terez

Jacqueline Terez couples the energetic and physical therapies of yoga, meditation and reiki for humans through arise & Reconnect with the wellbeing therapies of natural nutrition, massage and aromatherapy for dogs. The aim behind this is to boost both owner and animal emotional, physical and energetic health alike.

What is yoga?

Yoga focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to enhance both physical and mental wellbeing. It originated in India many hundreds of years ago, and has continually evolved towards the form that is popular throughout the world today. There are many different styles of yoga practices today. My approach although rooted in this amazing centuries old  tradition, is modern and straightforward in approach to make it accessible and welcoming to all.

I'm not flexible - can I do yoga?

Yes! In fact you are a perfect candidate for yoga. Many people think that they need to be flexible to begin yoga, but that’s a little bit like thinking that you need to be able to play tennis in order to take tennis lessons. Come as you are and you will find that yoga practice will help you become more flexible. This newfound agility will be balanced by strength, coordination as well as a sense of physical confidence and overall well-being.

I'm not fit - can I do yoga?

Yes, absolutely. There is no assumed level of fitness required for the yoga classes and workshops I teach. You could be a couch potato or an athlete, yoga can benefit everyone. Yoga can help you gain a sense of physical confidence and overall well-being.

How is yoga different from stretching, or other kinds of fitness?

Unlike stretching or other fitness training, yoga is more than just physically working your body. Within the physical practice of yoga we connect the movement of the body to the rhythm of our breath, which helps to focus and relax the mind by directing our attention inward. Yoga can improve your bodies strength, flexibilty and balance, whilst also calming your mind and improving your posture and how you breath.

When should I eat before a class?

When it comes to food and digestion, each individual is different and needs to find out what works for them. In general I do not recommend a eating a large meal within 2 hours of a class - if you must eat within 2 hours of a class then a light meal or snack that it easily digested is best. If possible, practice on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, Its recommended to be hydrated before a class so drink some water.

What should i wear?

Some people wear baggy, loose fitting bottoms or shorts and a t shirt. Other people wear tight, stretchy leggings + tops. The only thing that matters is that you wear comfortable clothes that you can easily move and stretch in. It's good to have clothes that keep you cool when you are active in yoga, but to bring a jumper for relaxation, when the body rapidly cools down. Some people also bring socks and a jumper  (maybe even a small blanket) for the relaxation.

Will Canine myofunctional Therapy Benefit my Healthy dOG?

Some owners are not aware that their dog has muscular problems or incorrect conformation and as a soft tissue specialist, a Functional Canine practitioner will be able to notify you of any muscular problems. Regardless, when a massage is performed correctly, all dogs will always benefit and this isn't always physically visible. Canine Myofunctional Therapy is a whole health package. The benefits of dog massage include:

- Improved circulation

- Improved lymphatic flow

- Lengthens connective tissue

- Improves nutrient supply to muscles and organs

- Improves detoxification and waste removal

- Prevents the formation of adhesions and reduces the danger of fibrosis

- Improves range of motion

- Muscular release

These are all benefits which both healthy and unhealthy patients experience after a massage. Our recommendation for healthy dogs is a Canine Myofunctional Therapy session once every 4-6 weeks.

What Should I expect fROM a Treatment?

Massage treatments usually go for 30 minutes, with 15 minute initial consult and discussion time after the treatment. The massage treatment time is mostly dependant on what the individual dog decides - some dogs become irritated by massage after 15-20 minutes and it is unadvised to continue as the dog will not be fully benefiting if it is uncomfortable, restless or stressed. Many dogs appear to dislike a massage treatment or are wary of the treatment initially for the first 2-3 sessions for a number of reasons. They may have had a bad experience at the vet, they may not understand why they are being touched in a different way or understand why they should stay still while a new person is in their home. Don't allow yourself to think that massage is not for your dog as this is far from the truth. Once a dog fully understands how a massage operates, they will look forward to every session and reap the full benefits. 


What is Involved In A cUSTOM Natural Nutrition Consult?

Natural Nutrition Consults are an online service available to the whole of Australia and internationally. To make the process as simple and effective as possible for you and your pet, we have designed a simple questionnaire to identify your pets specific needs. Upon receipt of payment and returning the questionnaire, a Natural Nutritionist will calculate your dogs needs. We always send out an electronic copy of the plan for your records, but also have the option of sending out a hard copy for ease of use. 

This consult also includes access to our member's Facebook group Raw Fed Functional Canines and ongoing support for any questions or concerns you may have. These services are at no extra change and are all included in the price.

Please note that this is one of our best selling services and it may take up to 14 days for you to receive your consult. 



Making our service available online means that we are able to deliver the same high quality service regardless of your location. As the owner, you know your own dog best and we take your word for it in our questionnaire. By discussing current diet, animal health and condition, we are able to identify deficiencies and nutritional requirements without needing an in home visit. This is not only a time saver for you, but also allows us to be more readily available to all our clients for questions, updates, new consults and reviews.

What are reviews for and how often are they required?

All animal needs and requirements change overtime, regardless of age. We take this into consideration when it comes to nutrition and offer Subsequent Consults or Reviews based on what your dog needs. All adult canine and feline consults are valid for 6 weeks. Maintain close contact with your Nutritionist for guidance on whether a review is necessary. Puppy and kitten consults will require regular reviews approximately every two to four weeks. This is due to continual changes in growth rates, energy requirements and for the slow addition of new proteins. Reviews are always recommended to ensure your pet is receiving the best possible care, however they are not essential.


Is raw feeding expensive?

Raw feeding can be as inexpensive or as expensive as you choose. Many local butchers will have pet safe human grade off cuts or trimmings, bones and organ meats at affordable prices. Supermarkets may also have bulk meat prices, specials or markdowns which you can take advantage of. Farmers markets and hunters are other sources for meat and vegetables to consider. Many people who raw feed make a big batch at once to last the month to decrease the cost and preparation time per meal. Organic, free range or wild caught should be fed where possible but this is not alway achievable.